Solemnization of Marriage between Filipinos
The Philippine Embassy may solemnize the marriage of two Filipino citizens who are both eligible for marriage under Philippine Law.
Both bride and groom must personally appear at the Philippine Embassy in Hanoi to file and submit the documentary requirements.
1. Apply for Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage CLCCM (Both parties will file for CLCCM) (3 working days);
• Fill out form.
• DFA - auhenticated PSA (formerly known NSO) Birth Certificate.
• DFA - authenticated PSA (formerly known NSO) CENOMAR.
• copy of passports.
• Fee: 650,000VND each
2. After the CLCCM is released, the Intent to Marry will be published (10-15 working days);
• 2 passport-size photos (each)
3. After the publication of Intent to Marry, apply for Marriage License (if there is no objection);
• Marriage License form
• 2 passport-size photos (each)
• Fee: 650,000VND
4. After issuance of Marriage License, solemnizaton of marriage can then be scheduled. The contracting parties must provide at least two (2) witnesses of legal age and can attend the ceremony to sign the Contract of Marriage;
• Solemnization fee: 1,560,000 VND
5. Report of Marriage to follow after the solemnization.
• Report of Marriage (ROM) Fee : 650,000VND
* Other relevant documents that may be required by the Consular Officer if necessary.